A Workshop with Despina Stratigakos and Lori A. Brown, FAIA

Breakfast and 1.5 AIA LU will be provided.
Please contact us (womenindesignpgh@gmail.com) for any dietary restrictions.
A key role for architects to play is that of the advocate: for clients, for sustainability goals, for good design, and for our profession. We have the opportunity and the responsibility to shape not only the built environment, but the next generation of architects to be more inclusive and community-oriented, and to advocate for equity in our policies and practices.
It has been said so many times -- the past two years have brought unprecedented change to our social and economic fabrics -- but we have still not fully reckoned with the consequences of that change. As we individually and collectively continue to champion diversity, equity, and inclusion in the architecture profession, how has our advocacy focus shifted? What got lost in these past years? What is still in process? How has the landscape changed that will affect our efforts going forward?
In this hands-on workshop, Despina Stratigakos, author of "Where are the Women Architects?," and Lori A. Brown, FAIA, co-founder of ArchiteXX and author of "Contested Spaces," will lead us through an exploration of where we are now, using real-life examples of both successful and unsuccessful attempts at changemaking. Participants will uncover inequities in the architecture industry and within their own firms and develop action plans to incorporate greater equity, empathy, and emotional intelligence into their work. We will all come away with a deeper understanding of how to advocate for change and to live that change ourselves.
Our expectation is that we will generate actionable items during the conversation, and follow up in 4-6 weeks to hold ourselves accountable to those next steps.